Different Classification of Artificial Turfs with Different Sports Types

The performance of sports may have different requirements for the sports field, so the types of artificial lawns vary. There are artificial lawns specifically designed for wear resistance in football field sports, artificial lawns designed for non directional rolling in golf courses, and artificial lawns designed for high bounce performance of tennis balls in sports.


Due to the close relationship between exercise and our daily lives, for teenagers, moderate exercise can exercise their physical fitness, while for adults, moderate exercise can relax and soothe the mood.



Common sports include volleyball, badminton, basketball, baseball, tennis, and football. With the continuous increase of sports events, the entire society has higher requirements for sports venues and related supporting facilities. When experiencing sports, we also pursue the sports venue and surrounding environment.


So in order to better ensure the development and execution of sports events, there will be great attention to the laying of sports venues on artificial lawns. Sports artificial lawns are mainly produced for the performance of sports, and the overall sportiness also includes friction, bounce, and resilience. And laying artificial lawns for sports producing areas can effectively reduce the friction between balls and lawns, as well as the friction between sports shoes and lawns. Moreover, the grass quality of artificial lawns is relatively soft, so there is also sufficient space for jumping.

Post time: Sep-20-2023